About AutoComplete name suggesting

The AutoComplete feature is on by default, and it will suggest names as you type in the following boxes:

When you type the first letter of a name in one of these boxes, AutoComplete begins to suggest possible matches based on names you have typed before. The more letters you type, the greater the possibility of AutoComplete finding a match.

Names that you use less frequently will move lower in the list over time, and eventually will no longer appear.

Click the name you want to enter in the box. If you are using the keyboard, select the name using the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW keys, and then press ENTER (or TAB). If no suggestion matches what you are typing, continue typing. The AutoComplete feature will remember what you typed the next time you type that name.

Note  To delete unwanted suggestions from the list, select the unwanted suggestion by using the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW keys, and then press DELETE.